Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6/12/13: Wednesday, June 12: A Big Day for Weird! The weirdness started as I left the campground after telling my GPS unit to take me to Providence, RI. Now, picture this: I'm almost at the border with New York. I can almost spit eastward onto yesterday's planned destination, Port Jervis, NY. So naturally the GPS unit tries to vector me west to Scranton, PA.
   This is when you turn balky electronics off, pull the power entirely, and just let it think things over in the dark. Never underestimate the animosity of inanimate objects.
   I stopped at a nearby Walmart in Milford, PA, and spent 2 hours tracking down the few things on my list along with the zillion I'd wished I'd had as I rolled along on this trip.
   Ah, then, I motored across New York, where there were heavily forested, green and gently rolling hills (HF, G&GRH) and on into Connecticut pretty much at Danbury, where I met…Quitting Time and some of the heaviest, slowest traffic I've ever encountered. A jam on the 405 moves faster than these guys did. Stopped for a potty break in Danbury and, having crept to Waterbury (10 miles?) by 2 hours later, made an emergency McDonald's run. Such fun.
  The scenery, though: HF, G&GRH!
   Getting darker now, with sunset colors on the horizon behind me. I cross into Rhode Island where it's HF, G&GRH again. I have been feeling claustrophobic for some time now in the crowding by and sometimes the positive overwhelming of the HF, G&GRH. I need my weedy, brown California roadsides!
   My Motel 6 at last! Only 10 PM! And the parking lot is full of police cars! Two more police cars pull up, one with a K9 unit barking like it needs a fresh leg off someone. What's going on? Dare I check in, or are they raiding the joint for mature Californians? No, an officer waves me into the lobby where…
   ...The bank NOW decides to reject my Visa because I'm too far from home. What happened to the half-hour I spent explaining to them why my card would be showing up eastward across the country and then westward? I've gone nearly 3,900 miles and NOW they complain?! But eventually the motel accepts my card. The manager is a gentleman and comps my wireless connection, bless him.
   Now to eat at least 2 of the Medifast meals I haven't yet got round to today. I use my coffeemaker to heat water for a chicken noodle soup (spiked with no-sodium chicken bouillon powder). But I forgot to bring in a spoon! So the tail of my comb serves both to stir the concoction and then, after it sits for 20 minutes or so, to help me eat it. Not bad. I could never get used to this, but it'll do for now. (The other meal was a strawberry shake with a packet of Sweet 'n' Low.)
   Hey, we Morey girls are real improvisers!
   Tomorrow: Provincetown, MA, or bust!
   (Thursday: Oops, Danbury and Waterbury are 25 miles apart.)

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