Monday, June 24, 2013

6/24/13: Monday, June 24, The Big Flat and Flatter Day: I've finally got round to downloading all the photos I have on that Canon camera that have been accumulating for about 2 years. While there are a number of photos of this trip, I CAN'T BELIEVE I TOOK NONE IN CONNECTICUT! I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE NO PIX OF THOSE FABULOUS DOGWOODS THAT WOWED ME SO! I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE COUSINS AND OF MY ADVENTURES WITH LISA!

   What was I thinking of? Not much, apparently. Guess I was having too good a time with Lisa!

   So here I am, in a pretty KOA in Terre Haute, IN, just getting ready to launch myself across Illinois and into Missouri tomorrow. Here in Indiana, I'm really starting to see the cornfields, though the plants are not much more than a foot high so far. There are also lots of pretty, blue, roadside flowers that I suspect are chicory. There are two kinds of lilies at this campground, two varieties of daylily, orange and yellow, and also a beautiful orange fritillary. The people managing the park have no idea which is which.

   I'm wrong about the lilies: I don't know what the non-daylily is, but it's not a fritillary. The bells of fritillaries hang down in a cluster below the topmost leaves. These don't: they are upturned and above the topmost leaves. Another trillium?!

   And my odometer says I've gone over 5,000 miles so far.

   I felt sick to my stomach most of the day till I had a BLT at one p.m.; then I had a salad and soft-serve ice cream (apricot and blackberry) for dessert. Shot the diet to hell, just after I had bagged all that Medifast food in Lancaster, PA. But I feel much better. I hope I don't have leg cramps tonight as badly as I had them last night. I need some sleep, and I need to get up earlier to get going in order to beat the heat and humidity.

   It's still a great adventure, and I'm right near the fabled Wabash River: "Oh, the moonlight's fair tonight along the Wabash/From the fields there comes a breath of new-mown hay/Through the sycamores the candlelights are gleaming/On the banks of the Wabash, far away." So pretty, so sad ( Terre Haute was the composer-lyricist's boyhood home (Paul Dresser, brother of Theodore Dreiser).

   And yes, Indiana along I-70 is very flat, except when it isn't.

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