Friday, June 14, 2013

6/14/13: Friday, June 14: Diner's Revenge Day! Thanks to what I believe is a combination of my own bad choices -- a heavy diner meal, too much caffeine, and too many sugar alcohols -- I was up most of last night with Diner's Revenge, until I took a couple of Lomotil. Thank god for Big L!
   9 PM: It has turned out to be a day of recovering from what, effectively, was food poisoning, I think by having eaten too much very rich and oily food from which the Medifast diet has mercifully weaned me. Anyway, everything that didn't exit one way exited the other.
   Oh, well, it was a rainy and overcast day anyway, I think. I spent it in bed, recovering. I'm staying another night and shall see Wellfleet and Provincetown tomorrow.

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